Tuesday, 28 August 2012
28 August 2012
So in one of these periods after prayer I asked sis Buhle my helper in jest, are you praying for this and that because im still waiting, she turned to me and said, YOU HAVE ORDERED A SPECIAL MEAL, you'd do well to wait for it because it isn't fast-food. she continued, when you enter a resturant and see somebody's order arriving way before yours don't complain, because they might have ordered fast-food and you have ordered a special meal!
I was startled, not because of her wisdom because I know she has that, but by how simple her message was, but powerful. How many times we ask for something: God please give me a husband, then while we are waiting we start complaining, when is this husband going to show up? when is my company going to take-off? God, do you hear my prayers? etc this mere act is tantamount to undoing the order you have placed. If you have ordered something, know that you have ordered a special meal, don't look and say but why are my freinds getting theirs sooner etc. If you have believed for something and you have ordered it, you'd do well in the waiting period to expect it, receive it and no matter what you don't see keep confessing and planning for it's arrival. Lest you spend 40 years walking around in circles not reaching the promise land BECAUSE OF YOUR MURMURINGS!
So I realised how right sis Buhle was (MY WHAT WISDOM) I remembered that I detest fast food, junk food, and microwave meals, im a oven baked, oven cooked kind of girl, slow roasted, boiled delicious meals, I rarely order fast-food. I prefer vegetables in abundance with a starter and sometimes with desert. Goodness I don't even like microwave popcorn, I pop it in the pot.
So in this world of rat-race, fast-paced everything including relationships -I SAY I DON'T! you've got to woo, you've got to court, there must be a build-up, there must be a waiting period, none of these microwave things, you meet someone today, tommorow you are in each other's faces, no more time apart. It is all tied to self-worth ofcourse. Queen Esther waited to be chosen as queen by the king in the waiting chambers 12 months, but she didn't murmur, instead she trained her spirit to be a Queen, and what a queen she was she saved her people (the Jews) from horrific death.
So if you have believed for a husband, prepare for the house, the wedding, start reading the books, know how to do a budget, how to run a household, how to be a proverbs 31 woman, you cannot attract that which you are not, if you want a King, prepare & learn to be a queen. If you have ordered and are believing for a house start choosing the furniture, planning the rooms, the paintings on the wall, how will the house run? If you are believing for a business, have you done the business plan, have you registered the company, have you started a customer database, if you are believing for a child have you started on the nursery, names? schooling plan? Have you read the books on raising children. If you have ordered the rain, prepare the land for the rain.
Let me tell you the consequences of ordering fast-food, it doesn't last, then you are hungry again, it's bad for your health, your skin, and it makes you fat and heavy, no mental alertness, YOU CHOOSE fast-food or MEAL? Questiong are you with Mr Right or Mr right now, lol!Tuesday-choose well freinds, & if you have ordered a special meal you'd do well to wait and prepare for it.
FAITH- the substance of things hoped for but not seen, for we walk by faith and not by sight
Sunday, 26 August 2012
SUNDAY (Day of sun)
26 August 2012
And as I had declared it, there was manifestation. Suddenly I met amazing African men, men who I had rivetting MasterMind conversations with, I met amazing young women who hugged me as I shared my road to being a film-maker and the testimony of my life at Kidshaven in Benoni.
On Wednesday the 23 August 2012, spurred on by my neighboor,stand-up guy- fellow film-maker, Smaka- I decided to take to the streets to show my sales staff that I'm a sales person first before I am a business woman or a fancy marketer, I have the gift of selling and it is theirs for their taking if only they believe AND FEAR NOT, only be courageous and of good faith. Again fear not, neither be afraid. Let the selling begin!
And here is the trailer:
We started in Bree street, selling to the mechanics that fix taxi driver's cars, SOLD! they bought the dvds, they were impressed that I wrote, produced and acted in my own film, ofcourse Smaka was also selling my autograph. Next the taxi drivers, SOLD! the 15 dvds were gone in an hour and 45 minutes. Ofcourse I had to contend with the occasional, may I have your number, would like to date you thing, but hey that is a compliment to a woman right? Oh how great it was to be on the street, with the people, on the pulse of South Africa's heartbeat, and not in some office behind a laptop. I was so greatful to find HUMAN BEINGS who were loving and encouraging, "go sell to those over there, don't lose hope!" they would spur me on, ungapheli umoya. Arise and shine Africa daughter of Zion your light has come!
I sat down and discussed with them colonialism, the importance of Africans owning their own African Industry and products & education. well these gentlemen were smiling ear to ear and nodding. I was in heaven because anyone who knows me knows I love intellectual exchanges, it is my food it edifies me. Next we went to the video rental shop in Craighall. Again I introduced myself and SOLD to the gentlman renting dvds, and that conversation lasted almost 2 hours because well he is in private equity and ofcourse being that I want to have business dominion in Africa OFCOURSE im interested in private equity, mergers, acquisitions, buying and selling companies- keep talking, im listening! IM SO SUPER INSPIRED, who said Africa is the dark continent was delirious and not of sober mind.
It's Sunday, PANCAKES ANYONE?-would love to make & share with someone;-)
Monday, 20 August 2012
Monday-(Mind day)20 AUGUST 2012
I believe I'm an Eagle, I have been studying the bird for a while now. I didn't always know that I was an Eagle, I fought it so many times. Recently through some pruning I've been going through it, it is settled. I'm happy to fly now at that level.
It is the 20th of August 2012. I have been thinking about this blog over and over in my mind. Nothing in my life has had a reference that sometimes I really wonder WHAT! is going on, then I remember - the Eagle, not like any other bird. I listen to other people's testimonies and really it doesn't sound familiar. So I've completely surrendered to the journey and the process instead of fighting against it, God is on the throne.
I have been learning about discipline, waking up at the same time early every morning. Starting with silence prayer, communion and prayer. having a schedule and sticking to it. So I signed up for Netball every wednesday im there, whatever happens im there. I had made a commitment to start swimming last year & I did in October, I've been good about it, but still learning. Most of all I've been learning to be still, alone, and listen.
Where do I start? I am an actress & a film-maker, a mother. At first I thought I could just continue doing videos, auditions, playing other people's scripts etc, etc NO I had to learn not to compare myself to anybody else, there isn't only one way to be whatever it is that is your VISION i'm still unlearning so many things that I thought I had to go through to be an actress, a film-maker. All that hollywood, popular stuff happens to very few in comparision to the number of entrants, if it is truly a numbers game- then WHOA. So I have learnt we have to do a new thing, write our own scripts, cast ourselves, hire our own people. It is almost like the answer to South Africa's unemployment is Entrepreneurs,therein is where the answer is. Believe me this isn't easy, it is easier to get a job and work for someone else's vision and collect a salary, pay bills and not rock the boat, it is easier but it isn't GREATNESS. It is not selflesss either, in order to solve humanity's challenges we have to built wealth and greatness. Isn't that the greatest love to accumulate for distribution, to build schools, instead of complaining about the state of education, the recession etc.
I've always wanted thousands of freinds, I never really had any. I've always had that one or two people that will always be there for me, not more. In really difficult and wilderness experiences I will find myself alone, but I believe this is only for a season. I believe my emotions have been my weakness therefore I had to learn self-mastery Im still learning! We have to learn to do what's right, even while it feels wrong. we have to do what's right even when everyone and everything else is showing us the opposite. So I end off with this note: Write the VISION, and make it plain upon the tables, so he may run that reads it. For the VISION is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not delay.
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